29 October, 2010


Elle turned three on Wednesday, 10.27.10! My baby is not a baby anymore. Here are a few pictures of the birthday party. It was so good to see so many people surrounding her in love and prayer.. And of course her best friend was there too, right next to her, takin peeks at all the presents they will get to play with!

I wrote her a letter when she was 11 days old. And I found it in one of her books.

Dear Elle,
You are sleeping right now. You are so beautiful. I haven't even had you two weeks and already you have consumed my life.. You just sneezed. I didn't know that it could be that cute! Oh man, God blessed me with such a gem.. You are a precious gem, Elle Anne Hultberg. I hope you grow up and I can teach you all the things you need to know. That's not reality. But wouldn't it be cool? I will try to teach you though. I will try to be consistent. I will try to tell you I love you every single day. I will appreciate you and everything you are going to do! You have such a full life ahead of you, Elle. You have your ENTIRE life. I hope you decide to use it to make Jesus smile. You are so wonderful, Elle.
I just fed you.
I love that feeling- I feel so close to you. When all you want is food, I am a blubbering fool, sobbing all over your perfect soft skin. You were made to be my daughter. And I was made to be your mother. I love you Elle
Love, Mom

One thing I have learned at YWAM this year is that GOD IS EVERYWHERE. I mean I knew it in my head all along... But lastnight we were in a worship service with a group that comes to YWAM and speaks every year. It was their last night and they were holding a special meeting. As I sat there with my daughter wrapped up in my arms, I was watching people. They initially seemed to be feeling God's presence very strong. But then after watching for a while I got this check in my spirit. And it felt like everything was a show. A fake. I got really frustrated with myself for thinking that and left. I went upstairs and was putting Elle to bed. And fell beside myself sobbing. I couldn't stop. I couldn't catch my breath. So I called a good friend and was asked "How are you?" As I was trying to put on a brave voice, it was like I was transparent. He immediately knew something was going on. I told him how I was frustrated that I couldn't hear God. I couldn't feel God's presence. I couldn't be like everyone else... "Am I broken or something?" After listening to me go on and on, he stopped me and made me realize... When I go outside and see pretty colors.. That's God's presence. When I look at Elle in awe of her just BEING here... ALIVE... That's God. When I cry, laugh, think.. That's God. When I sleep.. When I wake up from a sound sleep in the middle of the night to Elle coughing and pray her back to sleep.. That is God. When I am miserable and call a friend and talk and end up happy... That's God in my life.
Everything around me is God. God God God God. He is my everything. He is my all in all. I don't have to be in a worship setting with the lights dimmed to feel God. I can do it anytime of the day in any place.
Now THAT is the God I get to have in my life. :)

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