06 October, 2010

Community Living

The past week and a half I have had the joyous experience of community living. A few things I love about it: Elle has FRIENDS now. I can't emphasize that point more. These young girls are inseparable. It is so wonderful to hear their squeals of delight as they chase each other or jump in the leave piles. BEST FRIENDS AT FIRST SIGHT I always have something entertaining to watch.And I ALWAYS have dinner.. ;-) It is such a blessing being here. God definitely had this in His plan. And I am glad I obeyed Him. There is another single parent here and we were talking today and I was expressing frustrations with how Elle was not eating and blah blah blah. He told me a few things that he saw that needed to happen with me. Stick to my guns. Even if I make a mistake in saying something... EXAMPLE: Tonight. We were going to watch a movie with everyone and Elle decided to say "NO" when another girl asked her to move over. three times. So I said "Elle you lost your chance. You aren't going to participate in the movie time." I grabbed her and brought her upstairs. I immediately wanted to take back what I said because I wanted to watch the movie! But since I DID say it, I needed to follow through. So I did. And it feels better. Elle has more respect for me because she knows that when I say something, I mean it. If I wasn't in community living, I probably wouldn't have heard what I needed to hear in the way I needed to hear it. I'm glad we're here.

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