11 October, 2010


What does that word even mean? Safety. The term is so different for everyone. I hear all the time "Kelsie. Bringing Elle to Thailand isn't going to be safe." "Kelsie.. Did you think about Elle? Won't she be in danger over there?" "Kelsie.. What about Grant? Won't he miss her?" "Kelsie.. I don't agree with you going, so I am not going to support you." Who can even say those things? Jesus called us and said, "Follow me". When a man told him "Let me first bury my father." Jesus said "Let the dead bury the dead. Follow me." When a man said "I need to first tell my family," Jesus said, "Follow me now." When Peter had his nets out, Jesus told him to leave the nets and "Follow me." Peter did. He was safe. Jesus didn't call us to a life of being comfortable in our seats. He didn't call us to live a "safe" life. We are specifically called to follow Him. Sure, there are undoubtedly going to be dangerous situations that we are put in. But won't God protect us? His will is for me to follow what He wants, no matter how crazy people think I am. And being in the center of God's will is the safest place in the world, to me. It's like I am walking on water. I feel like I am Peter.. God is telling me to get out of the boat and follow Him. So I am stepping out in faith. Both feet are out of the boat. In the water. And it's nuts, but that's the absolute safest place I can think of.

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