08 March, 2011

To a 17 year old girl

I have been going through some things the last four years or so that have been way beyond my maturity level. I have made a lot of decisions that have swept me out of my teenage normalcy into a whirlwind of stressful months and a lot of hurt feelings made by me and happening to me.

After birthing my child at age 17, I engaged in many destructive decisions in my life. I made commitments I did not keep and I gave up on my faith. I made choices that affected Elle and me in a negative way. And for the past four years I have been battling through. I have learned so many things- the hard way.

This blog isn't intended to be a "downer", but I am just stating reality. Of course, amidst those terrible times I have had a blast being a mom and raising my daughter to her fullest potential. I have enjoyed late night giggles and morning coffee with her. I have been so blessed to grow WITH her and learn to parent her as she needs it. I have had a blast figuring out what exactly it is to be a mother and I am so happy that I get to be a mother to Elle.

Along with the blessing of becoming a mother, I have had to give up things in my life that a normal teenager would easily take for granted. I mean I am a MOM now. I can't go through that party stage. I can't go through just making decisions for myself. When I dress in the morning, I not only dress myself, but Elle as well. There are so many sacrifices I have made when I chose to be a mother at 17. I don't "date" just for the sake of dating. (Which I am very happy about) When I find a mate, he needs to be approved, not just by me, but Elle too.
..After reading the last paragraph, I think that maybe Elle "saved" me from all that stuff. It was turned into a huge BLESSING that I am not making decisions for myself, but for another life. It's a blessing that I am not able to go through a party stage or date just to date.

If I were to talk to a 17 year old pregnant girl, I would probably say something like this:

This is going to be the HARDEST thing you ever will have to endure. Whether you see it or not right now, you will have to give up so many things in your life. You will make endless sacrifices for your little baby. Day and night, you will need to be thinking about what is best for your child. But- if you keep the right mindset, these things won't seem like sacrifices. They will be blessings.
Keep your head up, there. Make your family a priority.. Not just your child, but your immediate and extended family as well. If you don't have a supportive family, then find friends you trust and who build you up. Keep God at the very core of every relationship you have. Look to Him for EVERYTHING and HE WILL follow through, meeting your every need.
This will be, BY FAR, the toughest and most rewarding thing you will EVER do in your life. Period. Savor the moments you are up at night with a fussy baby. Because there will never be another "tonight" with your child.. Time continues and they grow older. So enjoy the time you have and work hard at it every day. Congratulations on becoming a "mommy"!!!

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