22 March, 2011

Quarter-Century Lovers

Today marks the 25th wedding anniversary of John Michael Hultberg and Lori Georgina Weichelt.

Congratulations, parents!
God has blessed me so much with the best parents anyone could EVER ask for..

My parents.
Wow. That is a loaded word. Parents. They have done so much for me. They have taught me so many things. They have done so much more then the average "parent" would do.

Tonight I asked their advice on a happy and healthy 25 years of marriage.

My mom said find someone you are in love with who you trust 100% with no doubts. Someone with God as numero uno in their life. Have fun.

My dad said find someone not grumpy. Referring to himself.
I love my parents so much and Here's to another 25 years of marriage for them!

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