22 March, 2011

Protective mama much? Think about her FATHER!

Tonight as I was telling my family about my upcoming travels to Chicago to see a friend, they warned me about the south side of Chicago. My first instinct was to drown them out... But then I started thinking... And thinking... And I thought about the cold hard truth that someone there could easily take my daughter and me and separate us.I could be raped and killed and not able to protect my darling Elle. The rage inside me started building.. And building.. And then all the sudden I realized how insignificant my life is to the world. I mean, another human could easily take my life and have no compassion for the daughter I would be leaving behind... They could go as far as hurting or even killing her.

It made me think really hard. And thus fed my need to cry out to God in anxiety..

God embedded this protective-parent thing into us when He made us. He created me to want to save Elle from any harm that might come upon her. But when it comes down to it, I am NOTHING in comparison to Him. His comfort, His protection..
He loves Elle so much more than I ever could! I can take comfort in knowing that no matter what happens on earth, He is watching over us. Things that are seemingly out of control, He understands fully and is keeping watch over them.

What would I do without my Lord, Jesus Christ?
I'd be even more of a basket case. That's what.

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