16 June, 2010

Divine Intervention

God is so good.
I turn from Him and He stays put... Ready for me to come back into His arms. In the middle of sin... In the middle of being the furthest distance away from God that is possible, WILLINGLY sinning, HE just takes my desire away.. That's what I call divine intervention.... When you go from sinning to repenting all in 30 seconds... What a life-changing moment.

Elle reminds me of God's grace and forgivness all the time as well.
When she wraps her little arms around me after I discipline her it gives me reassurance.

She is a strong-willed child, but I know her heart.. And I know she desires deep down to obey...

I have been so blessed and God just keeps blessing me.. I really don't understand why He does it, but He does... :-)

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