28 June, 2010

ओं अ "नोथिंग" डे.

The above text says "On a 'nothing' day". Not sure why it is in that silly format. This weekend... We did... Nothing. We went to the cabin yesterday.. Layed on the raft all day. Then picked Elle up in Webster... Then today, we went to church and went shopping for a bit. Then some more "nothing". I must say- some days it feels good to do nothing. I don't necessarily feel like my day is wasted... I actually felt like I had a pretty productive weekend!

I think sometimes we, as americans, get so ahead of ourselves, with such a long "to-do" list of stuff that "needs" to get done, that we don't take time to stop and smell the roses...
Well, this weekend, I literally got to stop and smell those roses... :) (Wild ones) I enjoyed this weekend so much...
And I thank God so much that He gave me this weekend.. To just sit back and enjoy His magnificance.. Not stressing out about the next thing on my list, not worrying about whether or not I needed to complete this project or that project... But just sitting there... In awe of Him. I got to spend a great weekend with a great person...

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