01 July, 2011

Pocket full of Sunshine

She brightens my life up. She is a relief at the end of a hard day.

God put me in charge of this little girl for a REASON. And He expects me to be strong for her. I am supposed to be her mother- her protector from all the evils of this world.
So I try. I do my best to be everything I can be for her.

But inevitably, there are days when I am down.. Days when I can't take any more. Moments that I am seconds away from giving up. Times I start crying and just need someone to be there. Periods when I don't know where to go next.
There she comes. Pitter patter down the stairs.. Outside to sit next to me... Into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

It is that moment when I snap back into reality and remember that I need to be strong.

For her.

I know I am her protector on earth...

But isn't it okay for me to sometimes just let my guard down and let Elle be the one to cheer me up? Isn't it okay for me to enjoy the mini-sunshine God blessed me with? Isn't it okay for me to draw off her up-beat energy to bring me back to my normal self?

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