27 May, 2011


I have come to a recent discovery... Made, with the help of one of my dear friends. I have said on this blog, more than once, that Elle needs a father. And I have made reference to the fact that even if she doesn't have one on earth, she does in heaven. Well, I just wanted to clear the air about that. What I means was that I am not married to anyone. So when she is with me (5 out of 7 days) she doesn't have that security she needs.. But, indeed, Elle has a father. An earthly one. And he is the best father anyone could ever be to her. That is why God chose him to be Elle's daddy. To Grant Arneson: Thank you so much for everything you have been to Elle and myself. You care so much about her and I know you do. You show it daily. You had to grow up quickly when we had our precious little girl, but you have become a better man because of it. You are such a light in her life. Please keep loving her and giving her the security she needs in a father. you have become a best friend to myself, and a better person since having Elle. I look around, and I see so many children whose fathers aren't even in their lives. You, Grant Arneson, are such a wonderful father. You not only spend time with her as much as you can, but you fill her with joy and laughter, hugs and kisses! The kinds of things a child should have from her dad. Thank you for loving Elle as much and thoroughly as you do.
Kelsie Hultberg


  1. I was searching my name on google tonight just for fun, and stumbled upon this. It made me cry (in a good way), thank you Kelsie!

