23 February, 2011

To: My best friend

Today I learned something:

The person that God wants in my life will be there no matter what. And when I found that person, I shouldn't have ever let him go.

To Josiah Benjamin Ellis:

You are the best friend I could ever have asked for.
You are everything I need and want in one.
I am so sorry I hurt you so bad in the past. I am so sorry that I have put you through so much junk... But ya know what? Us walking through all of it really proves our friendship. And the fact that we are still friends shows that we are definitely not going to lose each other.

Not sure if any of that made any sense.

But- I do know that you are the kindest, most understanding, forgiving, loyal, sweetest, attractive, cheerful, zany, kind-hearted, interesting, magnificent, protective, witty, silly, adorable, honorable, honest, attentive, clever, considerate, most spontaneous friend I have EVER had.

Thank you so much for caring about me and being a part of my life.. a HUGE part!

And I thank God so much for you. Your input. Your love. Your compassion and encouragement toward me when no one else has any faith in me.


Here's to the next 70+ years of being in each other's life, experiencing new things together, learning more about each other; becoming closer and closer of the best of friends.

Love ya Josiah

Kelsie J. Hultberg

1 comment:

  1. Kelsie... Thank you for that! You are so wonderful and I thank God for you and Elle. Keep pressing into Him. I love you and Elle. your my best friend Kelsie!

    Josiah B Ellis
