16 February, 2011

I am HIS

I have been going to this Women's Bible study the last month or so and it is a bible study on hearing God's voice. This is a study that is definitely a "God-thing" because it is EXACTLY what I need right now at this stage of my life.
One thing that hit me is that
GOD KNOWS ME... I am His daughter. Much like I know Elle... What she needs, how much slack I can give her, how tight I need to hold those reins, what she can handle and what she can't, God knows that about me! So who am I to compare what God gives to other people?

I have no business doing that.

If God wants my best friend to be married and not me, though that is the desire of my heart right now, then that is what is best for me.
If God knows I can't handle a certain movie, that's alright- He knows best. As I continue to move and press in to Him, He will "give me the desires of my heart".. Meaning that the Holy Spirit will change my hearts desires to line up more and more with what God wants for my life.
God knows that I wouldn't be able to make healthy decisions living on my own and so right now, at this time in my life, He has me in my parent's home.

There are so many things that became so clear tonight. I wondered "Why, God, do you have me at this PLACE AND STAGE in life?" And tonight I just found out why.

Because, like I want to protect my daughter from any harm to herself, God wants to protect me- His daughter.

Another thing I learned tonight is that God doesn't need to be someone I talk to when I want something... I mean, I already knew that. But it was brought to my attention that God is someone who deserves a RELATIONSHIP with me.
I mean, I don't want to be friends with someone who just wants to be my friend to get something for his/herself, but I want someone to be friends with me because they genuinely want to CONNECT with me. "Kelsie, when you go to the Word, or you go to God, are you looking at/for things YOU want, or are you looking at/for what you can learn about God?"
That question has truly hit some strings in my heart tonight.

Deut 4:29- "But from there you will seek the Lord your God , and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul."

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