08 December, 2010


I realized that I just like to be free.... Free-spirited.. Free to go where I want when I want... Free to be a mom and free to goof off with my daughter... I love being free to take long drives to nowhere, just enjoying singing with my daughter in the car... I enjoy being free from boundries sometimes.... But what I love the most is being FREE from my sin!!!

I can not thank Jesus enough for how He set me and all of us free.. We don't have to do anything. Just accept it! Have a relationship with Him... The one who created us. In that, we are the most free we can be.... Anyway- just a little snippet of what is going through my head today.

Soon I will update you all with my financial situation and what has been going on in my DTS.

If anyone who reads this needs prayer at all, please.. Call me. or email me. kjhultberg@gmail.com. Just feel FREE to contact me and I promise I will pray for you... Because everyone deserves to be prayed for...

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