24 December, 2010

What I know.

There are so many things that have been happening in my life.. so much stress, both good and bad. But all I know is that God is the ultimate comforter. No matter what, I can always turn to Him and I know that even when I do wrong and fail at things, He is always willing to forgive me and let go.. Start new with me everyday. His mercies are new every morning. I know that when I do wrong, He can help me make it right. When it seems like I have no where else to go and I have made my life ugly and there is no solution, there Jesus is... Saying "THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I DIED ON THAT CROSS FOR, KELS.. TAKE COMFORT IN THE FACT THAT I WILL TURN THIS INTO SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL.."

Thank you, Jesus..

Thank you.

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