26 April, 2010

Weekend Wonders

This weekend was AMAZING.
There are so many things I want to say... But I can't put them all into words.
We spent the weekend in Aitkin again. Our little family unit... It was a blast.
Saturday we spent a while digging logs out of the sand and throwing them into the truck and trailer. We got a bunch of night crawlers. (!) Anya was cracking me up... She is so sweet and fun to be around! Sunday we hung out all day... Cleaned some things... Went to church... Hung out and pretty much had a great day... Marty and Sharon were telling us how they met and started dating and how they came to be... :-) I really enjoy my time with them. I feel like family when I am there. I feel so at home and comfortable.
We didn't leave there 'til about 1130 or 12.

I so want to be a part of that family OFFICIALLY. They are awesome. Such a great influence and I gain so much knowledge from them...
OHHH my oh my..

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