30 March, 2010


I never knew there would be an acronym from when I was a kid that would truly stick in my head and mean something so important to me. I have court with Grant over Elle tomorrow. It's just child support, but you never know what her father might pull. So I am striving to be ready for anything- including a custody battle beginning. There are so many things running through my head- so many little loose ends I need to tie up before tomorrow morning. Lynda is accompanying me to the courthouse. the knots in my stomach are compounding every moment, and the sweat under my brow is dripping just thinking about the tough day ahead of me. But I know that if I F.R.O.G. (fully rely on god) everything will turn out how it is supposed to. He has me under His almighty wing and only He knows how things will pan out. An acronym I learned in 5th grade, has so much pull in my world right now. Please pray for me for wisdom in what to say and for the ability to remove myself from an emotional state of mind to a mind outside the chaos.
Lord, have intervention in tomorrow's hearing. Please.

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