If you are reading this, you are obviously interested in mine and Elle's lives, or you care about us to some extent. For the past year and a half, (about) it has been on my heart very heavily to do a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) DTS. If you don't know what that is, it is what is called "Discipleship Training School". Basically what the YWAM program consists of, is a two and a half month training course on God and His love and how to be disciples of Christ. The other two and a half months are what is called an "outreach phase". This is where the students of YWAM go into different parts of the world, (each base has it's own destination) and reach out to others... Sometimes it is through sharing testimonies, sometimes it is through just talking on the streets and shining a light on others... There are various ways God allows YWAM students lead others toward Christ...
(As I am typing this, Elle just ran into my room and yelled "MAMA! Look I got a shirt!" It is an orange tank top with pink straps.. She is my little darling!- Which reminds me of how much God has blessed me with her. She has so much excitement and appreciation for the smallest things... And it reminds me that I should too.. Thank you, God, for putting Elle in my life.)
Anyway, I feel that Elle and I have been called to do a DTS this fall. I am asking whoever reads this to put me and Elle on their prayer list and just pray that we will have peace about which base to go to and pray that God will keep us safe while we are there. And if He wants us to go, that He will provide a way financially. We are struggling the way it is to have money and keep it. I am not sure that without financial support, I could even go... But We are trusting God for that.
I am trying to decide between two bases right now. There is the Madison, WI base and the Weyerhaeuser, WI base. Both are excellent bases recomended by many. But both are very different. The Madison base is huge and has tons of students.. The Weyerhaeuser base is very small... Only about 25 people are usually there, including staff. I can't decide which is right for Elle and myself... Which is where you guys come in. Your prayer will help lead me in the right diection.
You all know how energetic I am and how I can get so excited about things I care about. Now imagine if I knew how to channel ALL that energy toward God's kingdom and on people down here that need His love. Thank you so much for your support and love through all these life-altering decsions to be made.
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