17 July, 2010

Let's Get Real

The title of my whole blog is "genuine". The purpose for my blog is to share with the people that want to know, all the things going on in my life, all the realizations I have, etc.. Who I really am. Well- lastnight there was a huge "talk" that pushed me over the edge. For all that were involved, you told me that it bugs you when I am not "real" with you. And that's why there is judgement passed.
The reason I am not always totally real with you, is because I know either way there will be judgement. But here goes- here is the faults of the REAL Kelsie.
I can be a very caring person. I can be very understanding and submissive sometimes. I have deep and passionate feelings for a lot of things.

I have messed up a lot in my lifetime. I have slept with more than one person, I have lied about things I don't even remember. I HATE when someone corrects me about the way I raise my child. Yeah, SOMETIMES it may scare you, the things I let her do... You think I am putting her in dangerous situations. But I am letting her assert her independence. I am letting her put to the test what she can and can't handle. I enjoy joking around and laughing and being goofy.. Maybe you outta try it out- your marriage might be a little easier.
I absolutely can not wait to be a wife someday. (Hopefully sooner than later).
I like some hip hop music. No, I do not think it is a sin to like it. I think that it talks about the same stuff you guys listened to when you were my age... I mean come ON. The Beatles? Beach boys? Sex pistols? even FRANK Sinatra, talked about "those California girls" and about "drinking" and stuff.. And that's not even the worst of it. "La-la-la-la lola... " Prime example. That song is about a transsexual. "Is it a he or a she?" ... Pretty sure the new age music isn't any worse.

Another thing about me is I HATE being judged. That's why I don't share with a lot of people the true me. Because there is always judgement. "Kelsie doesn't take care of Elle right" "Kelsie does this wrong" "Kelsie is loopy".
I smoked a cigarette twice in my life. No, three times. Once was in 8th grade because I wanted to see what it was like. Once was when I was driving to Century College. And the other time was when I was at Coldstone. I don't think that that one was just a cigarette though. Pretty sure the person who gave it to me put something else in it. But I didn't know.

I have smoked two or three cigars in my life.
I have had alcohol before. And you know what? I didn't get addicted.

I LOVE Elle with all my heart.
I think caring about how your house looks is stupid. It is a passing thing. Who cares how big it is? Who cares if the curtains match the carpet? Who CARES if you have name brand clothes? I think that is a petty and very materialistic thing to care about. And that is wrong.
I love adventure.
I don't care if sometimes I cause trouble. I am an independent person from anybody else. I will get a piercing if I want. I will go on a day trip to Duluth if I want. I hate when other people look down on me for trying to have fun.
I LOVE being in love. I love it. I love making people smile and I don't care if it offends someone else. They can look away if they want. I love joking around. I prefer not to have a career. But I might end up getting one :just in case: . I do weird things sometimes. I enjoy attention. I love laughing with my best friend Katie. I love talking to my friends parents about everything and nothing at the same time.
I get excited about things and I am usually very optimistic. And it bothers me when people look down on me because of that.
Just because I like to have FUN in my life and be carefree doesn't mean I am in the wrong.
If you old farts would lighten up a bit sometime and have a little adventure, maybe you wouldn't be so cranky all the time.
I believe you can have responsibility but also have a good time. I don't think life always has to be serious. I actually think it rarely should. God gives us one time on this earth. Might as well make the best of it. No,
I am not saying "We should party it up!" But I am saying that you people have no right to judge me or my actions just as much as I don't have the right to judge you or yours. Even though I am admitting all the things I do wrong, there are more things I do "right" than those I do "wrong". At least I have the guts to stand up and say I am NOT PERFECT! But I do believe there is a God that will protect me from all the sins I have ever done and I do believe He is faithful and forgiving and loving and kind. I believe that no matter how wrong I have been in the past, He can save me from it. No, I am not perfect. Don't expect me to be. But this is a glimpse into the "real" Kelsie. Are you happy? Does this post make you feel good that you know everything I have done wrong? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Or does it make you understand why I haven't talked about some of these things... Because I know a lot of you "faithful followers" are going to focus on my wrongs- not my rights. Stop raining on my parade. Yours can stink but that doesn't mean mine has to. I prefer to be happy and easy going to care free and free-spirited... And I prefer to forget all the things I have done wrong. Not bring them up again. I don't do that to you, so stop doing it to me. I forgive you for yours and won't ever hold them against you.

Because you know what?

That. is. how. I. am.

Don't like it? I'm not changing.

So, yes, let's get real. I am.
Your turn.


  1. At times in life, when I stop distressed,
    To find my wounds, lying undressed;
    And pain is all that I can feel,
    With no one around, to get me to heal.

    At times in life, when I do tire,
    Whose company do I admire?
    I search in vain, for a lap to lie,
    If not that, just a shoulder to cry.

    At times in life, whom do I blame?
    When fate plays a nasty game.
    Best friends turn bitter foes,
    And leave behind a string of throes.

    At times in life, when everything's good,
    I'm enjoying good wine and delicious food.
    Just when I have, forgotten to cry,
    With whom do I share this ample joy?

    At times in life, when I'm trudging along,
    With no one to whom I can belong;
    I need nothing, but love that's true,
    Which is why I am, in search of you!

    Just wanted to say im proud of you. We are so much alike, making mistakes in life, learning from them... trying to get ahead and be the bestest we can be for our little ones... ive long admired you from a far... but could never gather the courage to take the next step... i came across this poem.. thought i should share it with u...

  2. .. Thank you, whoever this is. That means so much to me!
