Since I went to Grantsburg and got Elle back on Monday night, she has had a wicked cough. Two nights ago, she woke up in the middle of the night in a coughing fit. I prayer over her and she eventually stopped and fell asleep. Last night was a little different. We both fell asleep just fine. About an hour after I drifted off to sleep, I was in a deep sleep. And I heard a soft voice. "Kelsie, wake up! Kelsie, get up... Wake up, Kelsie!" As I tuned my ears to reality, I heard Elle coughing and choking on the flem in her throat. I jolted awake and grabbed her out of her pack-n-play. I immediately laid my hands on her forehead and prayed Jesus' healing touch over her. Over and over again. I put some vicks vapor rub on her chest and snuggled with her. I gave her half-cough drops, talked to her, and diffused some Thieves essential oil. I didn't have any cough medicine. And by Jesus' healing magnificence, Elle fell asleep. And so did I.
I wholly believe that it was Him who woke me up. If I wouldn't have heard His voice and listened to it, something terrible could have happened.
Call me crazy. I don't care.
I'm glad He woke me up.
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